
  1. Moe Horikoshi, Izumi Kotani, Kazuki Yane, Atsushi Watanabe, and Takahiro Nozaki, “Automatic Explosives Loading System Based on Motion Reproduction Adapting to Changes in Unevenness and Hole Orientation,” IEEJ Journal of Industry Applications, vol. 14, no. 2, Mar. 2025.【Accepted for Publication】【A peer-reviewed paper】
  2. 丹羽幸司,野崎貴裕,橋川和信,“自動制御による顔面骨切りロボットの開発 -Le Fort Ⅰ型骨切り術を安全に実施するために-,” 日本頭蓋顎顔面外科学会誌, Vol. 40, No. 4, Dec. 2024.【Accepted for Publication】【A peer-reviewed paper】
  3. 丹羽幸司,野崎貴裕,“力触覚情報を用いた自動制御手術ロボットの開発-手術用ロボットのイノベーションとテクノロジー・現状と未来-,” Oncoplastic Breast Surgery, Vol. 9, No. 3, pp. 72-83, Sep. 2024.【A peer-reviewed paper】
  4. Tomoaki Baba, Toshiyuki Murakami, Hermano Igo Krebs, and Takahiro Nozaki, “Development of Optical Distance, Normal Force, Shear Force Sensor,” IEEJ Journal of Industry Applications, Vol. 12, No. 5, Sep. 2023. 【A peer-reviewed paper】
  5. 家根和樹,木戸祐輔,矢澤真樹,莇生田整治,河奈裕正,野崎貴裕, “周波数解析に基づく歯科インプラント手術用貫通検知/自動停止システムの開発,” 日本コンピュータ外科学会誌, Vol. 24, No. 4, pp. 226-233, Jan. 2023.【A peer-reviewed paper】
  6. Takahiro Nozaki and Hermano Igo Krebs, “Development of an Optical Sensor Capable of Measuring Distance, Tilt, and Contact Force,” IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, vol. 69, no. 5, pp. 4938-4945, May 2022.【A peer-reviewed paper】
  7. Ronnapee Chaichaowarat, Satoshi Nishimura, Takahiro Nozaki, and Hermano Igo Krebs, “Work in the Time of Covid-19: Actuators and Sensors for Rehabilitation Robotics,” IEEJ Journal of Industry Applications, vol. 11, no. 2, pp. 256-265, Mar. 2022.【A peer-reviewed paper】
  8. Emre Sariyildiz, Satoshi Hangai, Tarik Uzunovic, and Takahiro Nozaki, “Discrete-Time Analysis and Synthesis of Disturbance Observer-based Robust Force Control Systems,” IEEE Access, vol. 9, pp. 148911-148924, 2021.【A peer-reviewed paper】
  9. Hinako Handa, Takahiro Nozaki, and Toshiyuki Murakami, “Identification of Contact Position and Force Estimation on Manipulator Using Force Sensor Implemented on Base Frame,” IEEJ Journal of Industry Applications, vol. 10, no. 3, pp. 324-330, May 2021.【A peer-reviewed paper】
  10. Satoshi Hangai and Takahiro Nozaki, “Impedance Field-based Teleoperation with Data Holders for Reducing Data Traffic in Haptic Transmission and Its Analysis of Performance and Stability,” IEEE Access, vol. 9, pp. 6334-6343, 2021.【A peer-reviewed paper】
  11. Satoshi Hangai, Takahiro Nozaki, Tomoya Soma, Hidetaka Miyashita, Seiji Asoda, Masaki Yazawa, Kazuki Sato, Hiromasa Kawana, Kouhei Ohnishi, and Eiji Kobayashi, “Development of a Microsurgery-Assisted Robot for High-Precision Thread Traction and Tension Control, and Confirmation of Its Applicability,” The International Journal of Medical Robotics and Computer Assisted Surgery, vol. 17, no. 2, Apr. 2021.【A peer-reviewed paper】
  12. Toshiaki Okano, Takahiro Nozaki, and Toshiyuki Murakami, “Development of Neural Network-based Explicit Force Control with Disturbance Observer,” IEEJ Journal of Industry Applications, vol. 10, no. 2, pp. 153-164, Mar. 2021.【A peer-reviewed paper】
  13. Emre Sariyildiz, Satoshi Hangai, Tarik Uzunovic, Takahiro Nozaki, and Kouhei Ohnishi, “Stability and Robustness of the Disturbance Observer-Based Motion Control Systems in Discrete-Time Domain,” IEEE/ASME Transactions on Mechatronics, vol. 26, no. 4, pp. 2139-2150, Aug. 2021.【A peer-reviewed paper】
  14. Satoshi Hangai and Takahiro Nozaki, “Haptic Data Prediction and Extrapolation for Communication Traffic Reduction of 4-channel Bilateral Control System,” IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics, vol. 17, no. 4, pp. 2611-2620, May 2020.【A peer-reviewed paper】
  15. Toshiaki Okano, Takahiro Nozaki, and Toshiyuki Murakami, “An Approach to Evaluation Index-Based Gain Scheduling for Acceleration-Based Four-Channel Bilateral Control,” 精密工学会誌, vol. 86, no. 9, pp. 720-730, Sep. 2020.【A peer-reviewed paper】
  16. Kaiki Fukutoku, Takahiro Nozaki, and Toshiyuki Murakami, “Measurement of Joint Moments using Wearable Sensors,” IEEJ Journal of Industry Applications, vol. 9, no. 2, pp. 125-131, Mar. 2019.【A peer-reviewed paper】
  17. Tomoya Sugimoto, Takahiro Nozaki, and Toshiyuki Murakami, “Multilevel Inverter Topology Using Current Path Change for Zero Current Switching,” IEEJ Journal of Industry Applications, vol. 8, no. 2, pp. 250-255, Mar. 2019.【A peer-reviewed paper】
  18. Takahiro Nozaki, Shuhei Shimizu, Toshiyuki Murakami, and Roberto Oboe, “Impedance Field Expression of Bilateral Control for Reducing Data Traffic in Haptic Transmission,” IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, vol. 66, no. 2, pp. 1142-1150, Feb. 2019.【A peer-reviewed paper】
  19. 野崎 貴裕,半谷 聡,“テレイグジスタンスとリアルハプティクス ―人間と機械の融合が拓く新たな未来―,” 日本ロボット学会誌,, vol. 36, no. 10,pp. 668-672,Dec. 2018.【A peer-reviewed paper】
  20. Seonghye Kim, Kiichi Hirota, Takahiro Nozaki, and Toshiyuki Murakami, “Human Motion Analysis and its Application to Walking Stabilization with COG and ZMP,” IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics, vol. 14, no. 11, pp. 5178-5186, Nov. 2018.【A peer-reviewed paper】
  21. Simon Lemerle, Takahiro Nozaki, and Kouhei Ohnishi, “Design and Evaluation of a Remote Actuated Finger Exoskeleton using Motion-Copying System for Tendon Rehabilitation,” IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics, vol. 14, no. 11, pp. 5167-5177, Nov. 2018.【A peer-reviewed paper】
  22. Emre Sariyildiz, Hiromu Sekiguchi, Takahiro Nozaki, Barkan Ugurlu and Kouhei Ohnishi, “A Stability Analysis for the Acceleration-based Robust Position Control of Robot Manipulators via Disturbance Observer,” IEEE Transactions on Mechatronics, vol. 23, no. 5. pp. 2369-2378, Oct. 2018.【A peer-reviewed paper】
  23. Satoshi Fukushima, Hiromu Sekiguchi, Yuki Saito, Wataru Iida, Takahiro Nozaki, and Kouhei Ohnishi, “Artificial Replacement of Human Sensation Using Haptic Transplant Technology,” IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, vol. 65, no. 5, pp. 3985-3994, May, 2018.【A peer-reviewed paper】
  24. Ryo Hanaoka, Takahiro Nozaki, and Toshiyuki Murakami, “Translation and Inclination Control for Intelligent Tension Pole Based Mode Decoupling Method,” IEEJ Journal of Industry Applications, vol. 7, no. 2, pp. 158-165, Mar. 2018.【A peer-reviewed paper】
  25. Shuhei Akutsu, Hiromu Sekiguchi, Takahiro Nozaki, and Toshiyuki Murakami, “Position and Torque Sensorless Motion Transmission Using Voltage Compensation,” IEEJ Journal of Industry Applications, vol. 7, no. 2, pp. 150-157, Mar. 2018.【A peer-reviewed paper】
  26. 斉藤 佑貴, 中井 一真, 関口 弘武, 福島 聡, 野崎 貴裕, 大西 公平, “接点切替によるインピーダンス変動を用いたブラシ付きDCモータのセンサレス角度推定法,” 電気学会論文誌産業応用部門誌, vol. 137-D, no. 11, pp. 827-836, Nov. 2017.【A peer-reviewed paper】
  27. 大西 公平, 斉藤 佑貴, 福島 聡, 松永 卓也, 野崎 貴裕, “リアルハプティクスの拓く未来社会,” 日本AEM学会誌, vol. 25, no. 1, pp. 9-16, Mar. 2017.【解説論文】
  28. 松永 卓也, 富塚 大輔, 野崎 貴裕, 斉藤 佑貴, 小川 健司, 大西 公平, 和田 則仁, 北川 雄光, “軟性内視鏡ロボットに搭載可能な小型ハプティック鉗子ロボットの開発,” 日本コンピュータ外科学会誌, vol. 19, no. 3, pp. 123-130, Jul. 2017.【A peer-reviewed paper】
  29. Sakahisa Nagai, Takahiro Nozaki, and Atsuo Kawamura, “Environmental Robust Position Control for Compact Solenoid actuators by Sensorless Simultaneous Estimation of Position and Force,” IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, vol. 63, no. 8, pp. 5078-5086, Aug. 2016.【A peer-reviewed paper】
  30. Sakahisa Nagai, Takahiro Nozaki, and Atsuo Kawamura, “Real-time Sensorless Estimation of Position and Force for Solenoid Actuators,” IEEJ Journal of Industry Applications, vol. 5, no. 2, pp. 32-38, Mar. 2016.【A peer-reviewed paper】
  31. Yu Hosoyamada, Masashi Takeda, Takahiro Nozaki, Naoki Motoi, and Atsuo Kawamura, “High Efficiency Series Chopper Power Train for Electric Vehicles Using a Motor Test Bench,” IEEJ Journal of Industry Applications, vol. 4, no. 4, pp. 460-468, Jul. 2015.【A peer-reviewed paper】
  32. 清水 就平, 大野 嘉紀, 野崎 貴裕, 大西 公平, “官能評価に基づく機能モードごとの通信遅延補償設計法,” 電気学会論文誌産業応用部門誌, vol. 135-D, no. 7, pp. 755-764, Jul. 2015.【A peer-reviewed paper】
  33. 神原 義幸, 魚住 誠二, 野崎 貴裕, 大西 公平, “直流電動機における位置センサレス運動制御,” 電気学会論文誌産業応用部門誌, vol. 135-D, no. 3, pp. 205-211, Mar. 2015.【A peer-reviewed paper】
  34. Takahiro Nozaki, Takahiro Mizoguchi, and Kouhei Ohnishi, “Motion Expression by Elemental Separation of Haptic Information,” IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, vol. 61, no. 11, pp. 6192-6201, Nov. 2014. 【A peer-reviewed paper】
  35. Yu Nakajima, Takahiro Nozaki, and Kouhei Ohnishi, “Heartbeat Synchronization with Haptic Feedback for Telesurgical Robot,” IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, vol. 61, no. 7, pp. 3753-3764, Jul. 2014.【A peer-reviewed paper】
  36. 大西 公平, 兪 浩洋, 野崎 貴裕, 溝口 貴弘, “ハプティックロボットによる口腔外科・歯科手術支援技術,” 日中医学, vol. 29, no. 1, pp. 20-24, May 2014.【査読なし】
  37. Takahiro Mizoguchi, Takahiro Nozaki, and Kouhei Ohnishi, “Stiffness Transmission of Scaling Bilateral Control System by Gyrator Element Integration,” IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, vol. 61, no. 2, pp. 1033-1043, Feb. 2014.【A peer-reviewed paper】
  38. Takahiro Nozaki, Takahiro Mizoguchi, and Kouhei Ohnishi, “Decoupling Strategy for Position and Force Control Based on Modal Space Disturbance Observer,” IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, vol. 61, no. 2, pp. 1022-1032, Feb. 2014.【A peer-reviewed paper】
  39. Takahiro Nozaki, Takahiro Mizoguchi, and Kouhei Ohnishi, “Motion-Copying System with Variable Impedance Based on Scaled Bilateral Control in One-Degree-of-Freedom Robot,” IEEJ Journal of Industry Applications, vol. 3, no. 1, pp. 1-9, Jan. 2014.【A peer-reviewed paper】
  40. Takahiro Nozaki, Takahiro Mizoguchi, Yusuke Suzuki, Daisuke Yashiro, and Kouhei Ohnishi, “Recognition of Human Combined Motion from Haptic Information Using Similarly Structured Master and Slave Robot Hands,” Electronics and Communications in Japan, vol. 96, no. 12, pp. 12-23, Dec. 2013.【査読なし】
  41. Takahiro Nozaki, Takahiro Mizoguchi, Yuki Saito, Daisuke Yashiro, and Kouhei Ohnishi, “Recognition of Grasping Motion Based on Modal Space Haptic Information Using DP Pattern-Matching Algorithm,” IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics, vol. 9, no. 4, pp. 2043-2051, Nov. 2013.【A peer-reviewed paper】
  42. Yu Nakajima, Takahiro Nozaki, Yuji Oyamada, and Kouhei Ohnishi, “An Object-Coordinate-Based Bilateral Control System Using Visual Information,” Electronics and Communications in Japan, vol. 96, no. 8, pp. 41-49, Aug. 2013.【査読なし】
  43. 嶌本 慶太, 谷田 和貴, 野崎 貴裕, 大西 公平, “腱駆動型球体関節機構による力覚伝達,” 電気学会論文誌産業応用部門誌, vol. 133-D, no. 3, pp. 307-313, Mar. 2013.【A peer-reviewed paper】
  44. Takahiro Nozaki, Takahiro Mizoguchi, Yuki Saito, Tomohiro Nakano, and Kouhei Ohnishi, “Bilateral Control Method Based on Transformation Matrix Relating Motion Features and Tool Coordinates,” IEEJ Journal of Industry Applications, vol. 2, no. 1, pp. 67-73, Jan. 2013.【A peer-reviewed paper】 
  45. Takahiro Nozaki, Takahiro Mizoguchi, and Kouhei Ohnishi, “Real-World Haptics for Motion Realization,” IEEJ Journal of Industry Applications, vol. 2, no. 1, pp. 1-6, Jan. 2013.【A peer-reviewed paper】 
  46. 野崎 貴裕, 溝口 貴弘, 鈴木 祐介, 矢代 大祐, 大西 公平, “マスタ・スレーブ同機構型ロボットハンドを用いた触覚情報に基づく人間の複合動作認識,” 電気学会論文誌産業応用部門誌, vol. 132-D, no. 9, pp. 858-864, Sep. 2012.【A peer-reviewed paper】
  47. 斉藤 佑貴, 元岡 渉, 野崎 貴裕, 矢代 大祐, 大西 公平, “フレキシブルアクチュエータを用いた二関節筋機構を備えた2リンクマニピュレータの開発,” 電気学会論文誌産業応用部門誌, vol. 132-D, no. 3, pp. 397-403, Mar. 2012.【A peer-reviewed paper】
  48. 中島 悠, 野崎 貴裕, 小山田 雄仁, 大西 公平, “視覚情報を用いた物体座標系におけるバイラテラル制御,” 電気学会論文誌産業応用部門誌, vol. 132-D, no. 3, pp. 374-380, Mar. 2012.【A peer-reviewed paper】
  49. 野崎 貴裕, 鈴木 祐介, 大西 公平, “腱駆動を用いたマスタ・スレーブ型多自由度ロボットハンドによる力覚伝達,” 電気学会論文誌産業応用部門誌, vol. 131-D, no. 3, pp. 297-303, Mar. 2011.【A peer-reviewed paper】

International Conferences

  1. T. Oba, Y. Tomioka and T. Nozaki, “Effect of Coil Size on Efficiency of Wireless Power Transfer with Magnetic Field Resonant by Halbach Array,” 2024 IEEE International Conference on Advanced Intelligent Mechatronics (AIM), Boston, MA, USA, 2024.
  2. Saki Kozu, Izumi Kotani, Kenta Seki, Naoki Motoi, Takahiro Nozaki, “Realization of Scaled Admittance Bilateral Control with Different Inertias Using Piezoelectric Actuator,” 2024 IEEE International Conference on Advanced Intelligent Mechatronics (AIM), Boston, MA, USA, 2024.
  3. Moe Horikoshi, Izumi Kotani, Takahiro Nozaki, “Motion Reproduction of Loading Explosive with Compensation for Variations in Position and Direction of Hole by Image Processing,” 2024 IEEE International Conference on Advanced Intelligent Mechatronics (AIM), Boston, MA, USA, 2024.
  4. T. Shimada, K. Yane, I. Kotani, S. Kozu and T. Nozaki, “Vertical Adjustment Method with Mechanical Power Factor Feedback,” 2024 IEEE 33rd International Symposium on Industrial Electronics (ISIE), Ulsan, Korea, Republic of, 2024.
  5. Saki Kozu, Izumi Kotani, Kenta Seki, Naoki Motoi, and Takahiro Nozaki , “Realization of Precise Manipulation by Admittance-Based Bilateral Control Using Piezoelectric Actuator.” Proceedings of the 10th IEEJ international workshop on Sensing, Actuation, Motion Control, and Optimization (2 pages), Kyoto, Japan, Mar.2024.
  6. Ryosei Takiguchi and Takahiro Nozaki, “Estimated Speed Compensation Based on Two Types of Axis Errors.” Proceedings of the 10th IEEJ international workshop on Sensing, Actuation, Motion Control, and Optimization (2 pages), Kyoto, Japan, Mar.2024.
  7. Moe Horikoshi, Izumi Kotani, Kazuki Yane, and Takahiro Nozaki, “Reproduction of Explosive Charging Motion Compensated for Changes in Position of Hole by Using Depth Camera,” Proceedings of the 10th IEEJ international workshop on Sensing, Actuation, Motion Control, and Optimization (2 pages), Kyoto, Japan, Mar.2024.
  8. Takayuki Oba, Yuhei Tomioka, Sakahisa Nagai, and Takahiro Nozaki, “Transmission Coil Structure of Halbach Array with Magnetic Flux Concentration in Wireless Power Transfer,” Proceedings of the 10th IEEJ International Workshop on Sensing, Actuation, Motion Control, and Optimization (2 pages), Kyoto, Japan, Mar. 2024.
  9. Reina Wakimoto, Izumi Kotani, and Takahiro Nozaki, “Investigation of Lower Limit of Admittance with Varying Mass in Admittance Bilateral Control.” Proceedings of the 10th IEEJ international workshop on Sensing, Actuation, Motion Control, and Optimization (2 pages), Kyoto, Japan, Mar.2024.
  10. Ryota Tauchi, Tomoya Kitamura, and Takahiro Nozaki, “Design of Lightweight and Fast-Response High-Voltage Converter Using Switched Capacitor.” Proceedings of the 10th IEEJ international workshop on Sensing, Actuation, Motion Control, and Optimization (2 pages), Kyoto, Japan, Mar.2024.
  11. Kazuki Yane and Takahiro Nozaki, “Motion Generation in Hybrid Control Converted from Human Motion Data,” Proceedings of the IEEE 18th International Conference on Advanced Motion Control (6 pages), Kyoto, Japan, Mar. 2024.
  12. Shigeki Yashita, Hiroaki Katagiri, Tomoya Kitamura, and Takahiro Nozaki, “Modeling of Device Using Corona Discharge Considering Voltage Range Limitations and Delay,” Proceedings of IEEE 18th International Conference on Advanced Motion Control (6 pages), Kyoto, Japan, Mar. 2024.
  13. Shigeki Yashita, Hiroaki Katagiri, Tomoya Kitamura, Kazuki Yane, Yuki Inada, Yutaka Kazoe, and Takahiro Nozaki, “Attitude Control Method Based on Differential Mode Voltage Considering Start Voltage of Corona Discharge,” Proceedings of the 49th Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society (6 pages), Singapore, Oct. 2023.
  14. Yuhei Tomioka and Takahiro Nozaki, “Estimation of Coil Position using Receiving Voltage for Wireless Power Transfer with Magnetic Field Resonance,” Proceedings of the 49th Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society (6 pages), Singapore, Oct. 2023.
  15. Izumi Kotani and Takahiro Nozaki, “Admittance separation method for Admittance-based Bilateral Control,” Proceedings of the 49th Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society (6 pages), Singapore, Oct. 2023.
  16. Hiroaki Katagiri, Shigeki Yashita, Tomoya Kitamura, Yuki Inada, Yutaka Kazoe, and Takahiro Nozaki, “Effect of Electrode’s Shape and Application Voltage on Thrust Generated by Corona Discharge,” Proceedings of the 49th Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society (6 pages), Singapore,Oct. 2023.
  17. Maria Sanchez Garbayo and Takahiro Nozaki, “Modified Contact Points on Real Time Palpation Control for Inclusion Detection,” Proceedings of Joint Conference on 14th France-Japan and 12th Europe-Asia Congress on Mecatronics and The 9th Asia International Symposium on Mecatronics (6 pages), Kanagawa, Japan, Sep. 2023
  18. Hiroaki Katagiri, Shigeki Yashita, and Takahiro Nozaki, “Effect of Length and Number of Electrodes on Thrust Generated by Corona Discharge,” Proceedings of Joint Conference on 14th France-Japan and 12th Europe-Asia Congress on Mecatronics and The 9th Asia International Symposium on Mecatronics (6 pages), Kanagawa, Japan, Sep. 2023
  19. Tomoaki Baba, Toshiyuki Murakami, Hermano Igo Krebs, and Takahiro Nozaki, “Development of Optical Proximity/Biaxial Force Sensor and Application to Contact Movement,” Proceedings of the 32nd International Symposium on Industrial Electronics (6 pages), Helsinki-Espoo, Finland, Jun. 2023.
  20. Tomoya Kitamura, Hiroaki Katagiri, Shigeki Yashita, Yuki Saito, Hiroshi Asai, Kouhei Ohnishi, and Takahiro Nozaki, “Verification of Anode Position and Generated Force Vector of EHD at Wire-cylinder Electrode,” Proceedings of the 32nd International Symposium on Industrial Electronics (6 pages), Helsinki-Espoo, Finland, Jun. 2023.
  21. Koji Niwa, Kazuki Yane, Yusuke Kido, Tomoya Kitamura, and Takahiro Nozaki, “Development of Automatically Controlled Facial Osteotomy Robot using Force Information – For Safe Le Fort I Osteotomy -,” Proceedings of the 32nd International Symposium on Industrial Electronics (6 pages), Helsinki-Espoo, Finland, Jun. 2023.
  22. Shigeki Yashita, Hiroaki Katagiri, Tomoya Kitamura, Yuki Inada, Yutaka Kazoe, and Takahiro Nozaki, “Angle Control Using Corona Discharge Considering Voltage Range Limitations,” Proceedings of the 32nd International Symposium on Industrial Electronics (6 pages), Helsinki-Espoo, Finland, Jun. 2023.
  23. Kazuki Yane and Takahiro Nozaki, “Preliminary Study of Object Recognition by Converting Physical Responses to Images in Two Dimensions, “Proceeding of the IEEE International Conference on Mechatronics (6 pages), Loughborough, UK, Mar. 2023.
  24. Kazuki Yane, Hermano Igo Krebs, and Takahiro Nozaki, “Delay Time of Human Motion Generation in Response to Changing Periods in Force Tracking Task,” Proceedings of the 9th IEEE RAS/EMBS International Conference on Biomedical Robotics & Biomechatronics (2 pages), Seoul, Korea, Aug. 2022.
  25. Erika Takeuchi, Takahiro Nozaki, Yuki Saito, and Toshiyuki Murakami, “Time-Domain Modal Transformation for Friction Compensation of Hydraulic Actuators,” Proceedings of the 8th IEEJ international workshop on Sensing, Actuation, Motion Control, and Optimization (2 pages), Saitama, Japan (Virtual), Mar. 2022.
  26. Yuri Sawane, Tomoya Kitamura, Toshiyuki Murakami, and Takahiro Nozaki, “Effect of Interelectrode Distance and Electrode Size on Thrust Due to Corona Discharge,” Proceedings of the 8th IEEJ international workshop on Sensing, Actuation, Motion Control, and Optimization (2 pages), Saitama, Japan (Virtual), Mar. 2022.
  27. Manami Shinoda, Takahiro Nozaki, and Toshiyuki Murakami, “Wireless Power Line Communication Using Magnetic Resonance and Its Application for Motor Control,” Proceedings of the 8th IEEJ international workshop on Sensing, Actuation, Motion Control, and Optimization (2 pages), Saitama, Japan (Virtual), Mar. 2022.
  28. Tomoaki Baba, Makoto Yoshihara, Ryo Kondo, Toshiyuki Murakami, Hermano Igo Krebs, and Takahiro Nozaki, “Development of Optical Proximity/Contact Force/Shear Force Sensor,” Proceedings of the 8th IEEJ international workshop on Sensing, Actuation, Motion Control, and Optimization (2 pages), Saitama, Japan (Virtual), Mar. 2022.
  29. Kazuki Yane and Takahiro Nozaki, “Recognition of Environmental Impedance Configuration by Neural Network Using Time-Series Contact State Response,” Proceedings of the IEEE 17th International Conference on Advanced Motion Control, Padova, Italy(Virtual), pp. 426-431, Feb. 2022.
  30. Hinako Handa and Takahiro Nozaki, “Force Control at Arbitrary Position of Manipulator Based on Estimated Contact State by Force/Torque Sensor Installed at Base Frame,” Proceedings of the IEEE 17th International Conference on Advanced Motion Control, Padova, Italy(Virtual), pp. 420-425, Feb. 2022.
  31. Ryosuke Nakatsuka and Takahiro Nozaki, “Improvement and Analysis of Position and Speed Estimator in Low Speed Range for IPMSM Based on Disturbance Observer,” Proceedings of the IEEE 17th International Conference on Advanced Motion Control, Padova, Italy(Virtual), pp. 225-230, Feb. 2022.
  32. Yuki Saito, Hiroshi Asai, Tomoya Kitamura, Wataru Iida, Takahiro Nozaki, and Kouhei Ohnishi, “Performance Improvement of Bilateral Teleoperation with Hydraulic Actuator by Friction Compensation,” Proceedings of the IEEE 17th International Conference on Advanced Motion Control, Padova, Italy(Virtual), pp. 250-255, Feb. 2022.
  33. Tomoya Kitamura, Xiaobai Sun, Yuki Saito, Hiroshi Asai, Takahiro Nozaki, and Kouhei Ohnishi, “Motion Generation Based on Physical Property Estimation in Motion Copy System,” Proceedings of the IEEE 17th International Conference on Advanced Motion Control, Padova, Italy(Virtual), pp. 62-67, Feb. 2022.
  34. Yusuke Kido, Hiromasa Kawana, Seiji Asoda, Takahiro Nozaki, and Toshiyuki Murakami, “Model-Free Detection of Penetration and Automatic Stop Control in Dental Implant Surgery Based on Differential Value of Torque,” Proceedings of the IEEE 17th International Conference on Advanced Motion Control, Padova, Italy(Virtual), pp. 144-149, Feb. 2022.
  35. Xiaobai Sun, Takahiro Nozaki, Kouhei Ohnishi, and Toshiyuki Murakami, “Object Detection in Motion Reproduction System with Segmentation Algorithm,” Proceedings of the IEEE 17th International Conference on Advanced Motion Control, Padova, Italy(Virtual), pp.42-47, Feb. 2022.
  36. Hiroshi Asai, Kei Sugihara, Tomoya Kitamura, Yuki Saito, Kouhei Ohnishi, and Takahiro Nozaki, “Experimental Verification of a Novel Continuously Variable Transmission with Electro-Hydrostatic Actuator,” Proceedings of the IEEE 17th International Conference on Advanced Motion Control, Padova, Italy(Virtual), pp. 30-35, Feb. 2022.
  37. Ryosuke Nakatsuka and Takahiro Nozaki, “Position and Speed Estimation in Low Speed Range for IPMSM Based on Disturbance Observer,” Proceedings of the 47th Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society, Toronto, Canada (Virtual), 13th – 16th, Oct. 2021.
  38. Ryosuke Nakatsuka, Takahiro Nozaki, and Toshiyuki Murakami, “Load Angle Estimation for Stepping Motor with High-Frequency Voltage Injection Method,” IEEJ International Workshop on Sensing, Actuation, Motion Control, and Optimization, P-10, Tokyo, Japan, 14th – 16th, Mar. 2020.
  39. Hinako Handa, Takahiro Nozaki, and Toshiyuki Murakami, “Estimation of Contact Position and Force on Manipulator Using Force Sensor Implemented on Base Frame,” IEEJ International Workshop on Sensing, Actuation, Motion Control, and Optimization, P-26, Tokyo, Japan, 14th – 16th, Mar. 2020.
  40. Tomoya Sugimoto, Takahiro Nozaki, and Toshiyuki Murakami, “Extended T-Type Boost Inverter for Capacitance Reduction,” Proceedings of the 21th IEEE International Conference on Industrial Technology, pp. 474 – 479, Buenos Aires, Argentina, 26th – 28th, Feb. 2020.
  41. Masashi Fukui, Genki Koubun , and Takahiro Nozaki, “Visualization of Important Human Motion Feature Using Convolutional Neural Network,” Proceedings of the 21th IEEE International Conference on Industrial Technology, pp. 406 – 411, Buenos Aires, Argentina, 26th – 28th, Feb. 2020.
  42. Yuki Yamada, Takahiro Nozaki, and Toshiyuki Murakmai, “Independent Drive of Multiple AC Motors Using Amplitude Modulation,” Proceedings of the 21th IEEE International Conference on Industrial Technology, pp. 181 – 186, Buenos Aires, Argentina, 26th – 28th, Feb. 2020.
  43. Tomoya Sugimoto, Takahiro Nozaki, and Toshiyuki Murakami, “Extended T-Type Boost Inverter Using Switched Capacitors,” Proceedings of the 45th Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society, pp. 1756 – 1761, Lisbon, Portugal, 14th – 17th, Oct. 2019.
  44. Yuki Yamada, Takahiro Nozaki, and Toshiyuki Murakmai, “Observer Structure Considering Reluctance Torque of IPMSM for Noise Resistance,” Proceedings of the 45th Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society, pp. 461 – 466, Lisbon, Portugal, 14th – 17th, Oct. 2019.
  45. Kei Sugihara, Takahiro Nozaki, and Toshiyuki Murakmai, “Continuously Variable Transmission by High-speed Path Switching of Linear Electro-hydrostatic Actuator,” Proceedings of the 45th Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society, pp. 3603 – 3608, Lisbon, Portugal, 14th – 17th, Oct. 2019.
  46. Yuki Saito, Shuhei Shimmyo, Takahiro Nozaki, and Kouhei Ohnishi, “A Controller Design Method of Bilateral Teleoperation for Velocity Control Driver,” Proceedings of the 45th Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society, pp. 3585 – 3590, Lisbon, Portugal, 14th – 17th, Oct. 2019.
  47. Shuhei Shimmyo, Yuki Saito, Takahiro Nozaki, and Kouhei Ohnishi, “Bandwidth Expansion of Bilateral Teleoperation Based on Synergy of Observer Gain and Velocity Feedback Gain,” Proceedings of the 45th Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society, pp. 3597 – 3602, Lisbon, Portugal, 14th – 17th, Oct. 2019.
  48. Satoshi Hangai and Takahiro Nozaki, “Power-based Restoration of Haptic Teleoperation from Communication Blackout,” IEEE International Conference on Industrial Informatics, pp. 583 – 588, Helsinki-Espoo, Finland, 22-25, Jul. 2019.
  49. Shuhei Akutsu, Takahiro Nozaki, and Toshiyuki Murakami, “Sensorless Bilateral Control Using Hall ICs,” IEEE International Conference on Mechatronics, pp. 243 – 248, Ilmenau, Germany, 18th – 20th, Mar. 2019.
  50. Satoshi Hangai and Takahiro Nozaki, “Automatically-Tuned Damping Injection for Stable Bilateral Control Under Time Delay,” IEEE International Conference on Mechatronics, pp. 667 – 672, Ilmenau, Germany, 18th – 20th, Mar. 2019.
  51. Xiaobai Sun, Takahiro Nozaki, Toshiyuki Murakami, and Kouhei Ohnishi, “Grasping Point Estimation Based on Stored Motion and Depth Data in Motion Reproduction System,” IEEE International Conference on Mechatronics, pp. 471 – 476, Ilmenau, Germany, 18th – 20th, Mar. 2019.
  52. Shuhei Shimmyo, Yuki Saito, Takahiro Nozaki, and Kouhei Ohnishi, “Symmetric Operational Force Compensator for Bilateral Teleoperation Under Time Delay Based on Power Flow Direction,” IEEE International Conference on Mechatronics, pp. 700 – 705, Ilmenau, Germany, 18th – 20th, Mar. 2019.
  53. Nobuyuki Togashi, Tomoyuki Shimono, Takahiro Nozaki, Toshio Shibata, Yuuki Aoyama, and Yuki Kitahashi, “Development of Three-Axis Seating Posture Holding Assist Chair and Proposed Variable Compliance Control,” IEEE International Conference on Mechatronics, pp. 455 – 460, Ilmenau, Germany, 18th – 20th, Mar. 2019.
  54. Emre Sariyildiz, Rahim Mutlu, Takahiro Nozaki, and Toshiyuki Murakami, “A Decentralized Force Controller Synthesis for Compliant Robots Driven by Series Elastic Actuators,” IEEE International Conference on Mechatronics, pp. 661 – 666, Ilmenau, Germany, 18th – 20th, Mar. 2019.
  55. Shuhei Kimura, Satoshi Hangai, Takahiro Nozaki, and Toshiyuki Murakami, “Haptic Transmission under Time Delay by Using Estimated EnvironmentalImpedance,” IEEJ International Workshop on Sensing, Actuation, Motion Control, and Optimization, V1-11, Chiba, Japan, 6th – 8th, Mar. 2019.
  56. Kei Sugihara, Satoshi Hangai, Tomoya Sugimoto, Takahiro Nozaki, and Toshiyuki Murakami, “Variable Reduction Ratio Mechanism Using Flow Path Change,” IEEJ International Workshop on Sensing, Actuation, Motion Control, and Optimization, V3-7, Chiba, Japan, 6th – 8th, Mar. 2019.
  57. Shuhei Akutsu, Takahiro Nozaki, and Toshiyuki Murakami, “Design of Bilateral Control Based on Equivalent Circuit ,” The 20th IEEE International Conference on Industrial Technology, pp. 1351 – 1356, Melbourne, Australia, 13rd – 15th, Feb. 2019.
  58. Takahiro Nakagawa, Tomoya Sugimoto, Takahiro Nozaki, and Toshiyuki Murakami, “Selective Wireless Power Transfer via Magnetic Resonant Coupling by Using Variable Load Impedance Circuit,” The 44th Annual Conference of IEEE Industrial Electronics Society, pp. 4834 – 4839, Washington D.C., United States of America, 21st – 23rd, Oct. 2018.
  59. Shuhei Akutsu, Takahiro Nozaki, and Toshiyuki Murakami, “Position and Torque Sensorless Motion Transmission Using Parameter Identification Based on Least Mean Squares Method,” The 44th Annual Conference of IEEE Industrial Electronics Society, pp. 5098 – 5103, Washington D.C., United States of America, 21st – 23rd, Oct. 2018.
  60. Rahim Mutlu, Emre Sariyildiz, Takahiro Nozaki, and Gursel Alici, “Design of a Multi-stage Stiffness Enhancing Unit for a Soft Robotic Finger and its Robust Motion Control,” The 44th Annual Conference of IEEE Industrial Electronics Society, pp. 5074 – 5079, Washington D.C., United States of America, 21st – 23rd, Oct. 2018.
  61. Masashi Fukui, Shuhei Akutsu, Toshiaki Okano, Takahiro Nozaki, and Toshiyuki Murakami, “Design of Iterative Learning Control for Force Control Considering Environmental Impedance,” The 44th Annual Conference of IEEE Industrial Electronics Society, pp. 4569 – 4574, Washington D.C., United States of America, 21st – 23rd, Oct. 2018.
  62. Tomoya Sugimoto, Takahiro Nozaki, and Toshiyuki Murakami, “Multilevel Inverter Topology for Switching Loss Reduction,” The 44th Annual Conference of IEEE Industrial Electronics Society, pp. 1345 – 1350, Washington D.C., United States of America, 21st – 23rd, Oct. 2018.
  63. Satoshi Hangai, Takahiro Nozaki, and Kouhei Ohnishi, “Fiber Suspended Micro Force Transmission System Using Scaling Bilateral Control,” The 44th Annual Conference of IEEE Industrial Electronics Society, pp. 4575 – 4580, Washington D.C., United States of America, 21st – 23rd, Oct. 2018.
  64. Tomoya Sugimoto, Takahiro Nozaki, and Toshiyuki Murakami, “Multilevel Inverter Topology Using Current Path Change for Zero Current Switching,” IEEJ International Workshop on Sensing, Actuation, Motion Control, and Optimization, V1-7, Tokyo, Japan, 6th – 8th, Mar. 2018.
  65. Daichi Hirano, Yu Nakajima, Hiroki Kato, Takahiro Nozaki and Kouhei Ohnishi, “Reaction Force Observer for a Free-Floating Robot,” International Symposium on Artificial Intelligence, Robotics and Automation in Space (i-SAIRAS), Madrid, 2018, pp. 881-888.
  66. Satoshi Fukushima, Hiromu Sekiguchi, Yuki Saito, Takahiro Nozaki, and Kouhei Ohnishi, “Online Compensation of Gravity and Friction for Haptics with Incremental Position Sensors,” IEEE 24th International Conference on Mechatronics and Machine Vision in Practice, pp. 360-365, Auckland, New Zealand, 21st – 23rd, Nov. 2017.
  67. Shuhei Akutsu, Hiromu Sekiguchi, Takahiro Nozaki, and Toshiyuki Murakami, “Position and Torque Sensorless Motion Transmission for Haptic Teleoperation Using Two Types of Voltage Compensation,” IEEE 24th International Conference on Mechatronics and Machine Vision in Practice, pp. 201-206, Auckland, New Zealand, 21st – 23rd, Nov. 2017.
  68. Takahiro Nakagawa, Koichi Furusato, Takahiro Nozaki, Toshiyuki Murakami, and Takehiro Imura, “Selective Wireless Power Transfer for Multiple Receivers by Using Magnetic Resonance Coupling,” International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation, Phuket, Thailand, 30th, Oct. – 2nd, Nov. 2017.
  69. Xiaobai Sun, Hiromu Sekiguchi, Fukushima Satoshi, Daisuke Tomizuka, Yuki Saito, Takahiro Nozaki, and Kouhei Ohnishi, “Motion-Reproduction System Adaptable to Position Fluctuation of Picking Objects based on Image Information,” The 43rd Annual Conference of IEEE Industrial Electronics Society, pp. 6745 – 6750, Beijing, China, 29th, Oct. – 1st, Nov. 2017.
  70. Toshiaki Okano, Takahiro Ishikawa, Takahiro Nozaki, and Kouhei Ohnishi, “Identification of Human and Environmental Impedances by Using Bilateral Control System with Low-pass Filtered M-Sequence Signal,” The 43rd Annual Conference of IEEE Industrial Electronics Society, pp. 5203 – 5208, Beijing, China, 29th, Oct. – 1st, Nov. 2017.
  71. Norihito Wada, Kyoko Okuda, Kazumi Kuboi, Tetsuya Nakamura, Tadateru Maehata, Takuya Matsunaga, Takahiro Nozaki, Kouhei Ohnishi, Naohisa Yahagi, and Yuko Kitagawa, “A Nobel Grasping Forceps System Having Real Haptic Feedback in a Flexible Master-Slave Robotic Surgey – Impact on Tissue Damage,” SAGES 2017 annual meeting, Houston, USA, ETP712 , 22th Mar – 25th Mar, 2017.
  72. Shuhei Akutsu, Hiromu Sekiguchi, Takahiro Nozaki, and Toshiyuki Murakami, “Position and Torque Sensorless Motion Transmission Using Voltage Compensation,” IEEJ International Workshop on Sensing, Actuation, Motion Control, and Optimization, TT4-4, Nagaoka, Japan, 6th – 8th, Mar. 2017.
  73. Satoshi Fukushima, Hiromu Sekiguchi, Yuki Saito, Takahiro Nozaki, and Kouhei Ohnishi, “Haptic Telepresence System with Multi-Degrees of Freedom Exoskeleton and Humanoid Robot,” IEEJ International Workshop on Sensing, Actuation, Motion Control, and Optimization, SS1-4, Nagaoka, Japan, 6th – 8th, Mar. 2017.
  74. Satoshi Fukushima, Takahiro Nozaki, and Kouhei Ohnishi, “Development of Haptic Prosthetic Hand for Realization of Intuitive Operation,” The 42nd Annual Conference of IEEE Industrial Electronics Society, Firenze, Italy, 24th-27th, Oct. 2016.
  75. Kazuma Nakai, Takahiro Nozaki, and Toshiyuki Murakami, “Robust Sensorless Control for Brushless DC Motor Against Sudden Disturbance and Validation Under Change of Back Electromotive Force Constant,” The 42nd Annual Conference of IEEE Industrial Electronics Society, Firenze, Italy, 24th-27th, Oct. 2016.
  76. Ryo Hanaoka, Takahiro Nozaki, and Toshiyuki Murakami, “Cooperation Control of ITP with Human Based Inertial Measurement Unit,” The 42nd Annual Conference of IEEE Industrial Electronics Society, Firenze, Italy, 24th-27th, Oct. 2016.
  77. Seonghye Kim, Takahiro Nozaki, and Toshiyuki Murakami, “An Approach to Categorization Analysis for Human Motion by Kinect and IMU,” The 42nd Annual Conference of IEEE Industrial Electronics Society, Firenze, Italy, 24th-27th, Oct. 2016.
  78. Emre Sariyildiz, Takahiro Nozaki, Haoyong Yu, and Toshiyuki Murakami, “Robust Force Control of Series Elastic Actuators Using Sliding Mode Control and Disturbance Observer,” The 42nd Annual Conference of IEEE Industrial Electronics Society, Firenze, Italy, 24th-27th, Oct. 2016.
  79. Emre Sariyildiz, Takahiro Nozaki, Haoyong Yu, and Toshiyuki Murakami, “A Robust State-Space Controller Design for Multi-Mass Resonant Systems,” The 42nd Annual Conference of IEEE Industrial Electronics Society, Firenze, Italy, 24th-27th, Oct. 2016.
  80. Emre Sariyildiz, Haoyong Yu, Takahiro Nozaki, and Toshiyuki Murakami, “Robust Vibration Control of Two-Mass Resonant Systems in State Space,” The 14th IEEE International Workshop on Advanced Motion Control, pp. 587-592, Auckland, New Zealand, 22nd-24th, Apl. 2016.
  81. Takahiro Nozaki, Toshiyuki Murakami,Tomoyuki Shimono, Kouhei Ohnishi, and Roberto Oboe, “Development of Meal Assistance Device for Patients with Spinal Cord Injury,” The 14th IEEE International Workshop on Advanced Motion Control, pp. 388-393, Auckland, New Zealand, 22nd-24th, Apl. 2016.
  82. Takahiro Ishikawa, Takahiro Nozaki, and Toshiyuki Murakami, “Position Control System Based on Inertia Measurement Unit Sensor Fusion with Kalman Filter,” The 14th IEEE International Workshop on Advanced Motion Control, pp. 153-159, Auckland, New Zealand, 22nd-24th, Apl. 2016.
  83. Kamal Mohy El Dine, Chuan Yang, Takahiro Nozaki, and Toshiyuki Murakami, “Novel Walking Assist Device Based on Generic Human Motion Tracking Criteria,” The 14th IEEE International Workshop on Advanced Motion Control, pp. 38-43, Auckland, New Zealand, 22nd-24th, Apl. 2016.
  84. Kenta Moriki, Atsuo Kawamura, Tomoyuki Shimono, Takahiro Nozaki, Kunio Ikeda, Junichi Sato, Hitoshi Hayashiya, and Hiroshi Yamamoto, “Technological Feasibility of Coaxial Contactless Power Transmission for Traction Power Supply,” The 16th International Power Electronics and Motion Control Conference and Exposition, pp. 1153-1158, Sep. 2014.
  85. Takahiro Mizoguchi, Takahiro Nozaki, and Kouhei Ohnishi, “Free Motion Mechanical Power Factor; Comparison Between Robots in Different Structure and Coordinate,” The International Power Electronics Conference, pp. 1660-1664, May 2014.
  86. Kouhei Ohnishi, Takahiro Nozaki, and Takahiro Mizoguchi, “Haptics for Industries,” The 13th IEEE International Workshop on Advanced Motion Control, pp. 11-12, Mar. 2014.
  87. Takahiro Nozaki, Kazuki Tanida, Takahiro Mizoguchi, Tomohiro Nakano, Yuki Saito, and Kouhei Ohnishi, “Extraction and Realization of Human Actions,” The 13th IEEE International Workshop on Advanced Motion Control, pp. 705-710, Mar. 2014.
  88. Seinan Kyo, Takahiro Nozaki, Takahiro Mizoguchi, and Kouhei Ohnishi, “Experimental Evaluation of Motion Reproduction System with Selected Information,” The 13th IEEE International Workshop on Advanced Motion Control, pp. 92-97, Mar. 2014.
  89. Takahiro Mizoguchi, Takahiro Nozaki, and Kouhei Ohnishi, “A Method to Derive On Time Mechanical Power Factor,” IEEE International Conference on Industrial Technology, RB-626, pp. 73-78, Feb. 2014.
  90. Takahiro Nozaki, Takahiro Mizoguchi, and Kouhei Ohnishi, “Motion Reproduction Using Time-Scaling for Adaptation to Difference in Environmental Location,” IEEE International Conference on Industrial Technology, RB-408, pp. 45-50, Feb. 2014.
  91. Keita Shimamoto, Yoshiki Ohno, Takahiro Nozaki, and Kouhei Ohnishi, “Time Delay Compensation for Tendon-driven Bilateral Control Using Modal Decomposition and Communication Disturbance Observer,” IEEE International Conference on Industrial Technology, RB-283, pp. 29-34, Feb. 2014.
  92. Takahiro Mizoguchi, Takahiro Nozaki, and Kouhei Ohnishi, “Power Factor Analyses in Mechanical System Focusing on Trajectory and Environment,” IEEE International Symposium on Industrial Electronics, pp. 1-6, May 2013.
  93. Yuki Saito, Uichiro Nishio, Takahiro Nozaki, and Kouhei Ohnishi, “Acceleration-based Position and Force Control for Twist Drive,” IEEE International Conference on Mechatronics, pp. 664-669, Feb. 2013.
  94. Tomohiro Nakano, Yuki Saito, Takahiro Nozaki, and Kouhei Ohnishi, “Variable Tension Control for Master-Slave Tendon-Driven Robot Hand,” IEEE International Conference on Mechatronics, pp. 588-593, Feb. 2013.
  95. Takahiro Mizoguchi, Takahiro Nozaki, and Kouhei Ohnishi, “The Power Factor in Mechanical System,” IEEE International Conference on Mechatronics, pp. 576-581, Feb. 2013.
  96. Takahiro Nozaki, Takahiro Mizoguchi, and Kouhei Ohnishi, “A Controller Design Method for Multirobot Systems Based on Task Projection Matrix,” IEEE International Conference on Mechatronics, pp. 213-218, Feb. 2013.
  97. Takahiro Mizoguchi, Takahiro Nozaki, and Kouhei Ohnishi, “A Design Method of Bilateral Control System based on Interactive Parameters,” The 38th Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society, pp. 4382-4387, Oct. 2012.
  98. Takahiro Nozaki, Takahiro Mizoguchi, and Kouhei Ohnishi, “Bilateral Control Method for Tendon-driven Mechanism Considering Wire Elongation,” The 38th Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society, pp. 2662-2667, Oct. 2012.
  99. Kasun Prasanga, Yuki Saito, Takahiro Nozaki, and Kouhei Ohnishi, “Achievement of Real Haptic Sensation with Tendon Driven Segregated Jaws for Laparoscopic Forceps,” The 6th International Conference on Information and Automation for Sustainability, pp. 65-70, Sep. 2012.
  100. Yu Nakajima, Takahiro Nozaki, and Kouhei Ohnishi, “Synchronization Performance Improvement on Motion Canceling Bilateral Control Using an Extended Dual Sampling Rate Observer,” The 5th International Conference on Human System Interaction, pp. 160-167, Jun. 2012.
  101. Takahiro Nozaki, Takahiro Mizoguchi, Yu Nakajima, and Kouhei Ohnishi, “Real-Time Skill Providing System Using Human Haptic Information,” The 5th International Conference on Human System Interaction, pp. 144-151, Jun. 2012.
  102. Takahiro Mizoguchi, Takahiro Nozaki, and Kouhei Ohnishi, “Examination of Stability and Characteristics of Gyrator type Bilateral Control; Toward Controller and Transfer Impedance Design,” The 5th International Conference on Human System Interaction, pp. 116-123, Jun. 2012.
  103. Takahiro Nozaki, Takahiro Mizoguchi, and Kouhei Ohnishi, “Position/Force Decoupling for Micro-Macro Bilateral Control based on Modal Space Disturbance Observer,” The 12th IEEE International Workshop on Advanced Motion Control (6 pages), Mar. 2012.
  104. Yu Nakajima, Takahiro Nozaki, Takahiro Mizoguchi, and Kouhei Ohnishi, “Transparency Analysis of Motion Canceling Bilateral Control under Sensing Constraints,” The 12th IEEE International Workshop on Advanced Motion Control (6 pages), Mar. 2012.
  105. Uichiro Nishio, Takahiro Nozaki, and Kouhei Ohnishi, “A Method of Joint Torque Control for a Tendon-Driven System,” The 12th IEEE International Workshop on Advanced Motion Control (6 pages), Mar. 2012.
  106. Shinnosuke Yamaoka, Takahiro Nozaki,Daisuke Yashiro, and Kouhei Ohnishi, “Acceleration Control of Stacked Piezoelectric Actuator utilizing Disturbance Observer and Reaction Force Observer,” The 12th IEEE International Workshop on Advanced Motion Control (6 pages), Mar. 2012.
  107. Yuki Saito, Takahiro Nozaki, and Kouhei Ohnishi, “Model-based Compensation of Wire Elongation for Tendon-driven Rotary Actuator,” The 12th IEEE International Workshop on Advanced Motion Control (6 pages), Mar. 2012.
  108. Takahiro Mizoguchi, Takahiro Nozaki, and Kouhei Ohnishi, “Scaling Bilateral Controls with Impedance Transmission Using Transfer Admittance,” The 12th IEEE International Workshop on Advanced Motion Control (6 pages), Mar. 2012.
  109. Takahiro Nozaki, Yusuke Suzuki, and Kouhei Ohnishi, “Motion Recognition using DP Matching based on Position and Force Information,” The 4th International Conference on Human System Interaction, pp. 104-109, May 2011.
  110. Wataru Motooka, Takahiro Nozaki, Takahiro Mizoguchi, Keisuke Sugawara, Fumiya Mitome, Keishi Okuda, Midori Miyagaki, Daisuke Yashiro, Takahiro Yakoh, Kouhei Ohnishi, Yasuhide Morikawa, and Naoki Shimojima, “Development of 16-DOF Telesurgical Forceps Master/Slave Robot with Haptics,” The 36th Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society, pp. 2081-2086, Nov. 2010.
  111. Takahiro Nozaki and Kouhei Ohnishi, “Development of Haptic Data Acquisition Robot Hand,” The International Symposium on Application of Biomechanical Control System to Precision Engineering, pp. 122, Jul. 2010.